Ashland University Department of Music
presents a guest artist recital, “Songs of Beethoven,” on Thursday, March 20 at
7:30 p.m. in the Elizabeth Pastor Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to
the public.
This recital will feature sopranos Stephanie Sikora (Ashland
University Professor of Voice) and Katharine DeBoer, tenor Timothy Johnson, and
James Meadors on the guitar. This program of Beethoven songs with guitar
transcriptions by James Meadors is presented in approximate chronological order
by poet, which generally correlates with the order in which Beethoven set the
texts. Of Beethoven’s sixty-six songs composed for accompaniment by the (then)
new pianoforte, Meadors’ transcriptions favor those which are most adaptable to
Two master classes will also be offered by guitarists Dr.
Meadors and Dr. DeBoer on March 20. The two sessions are
located in the Center for the Arts at 10:50 a.m.-12:05 p.m. in Rm. 102 and
12:15-1:05 p.m. in Rm. 242. These classes are free and open to public