The 2017 spring choir tour to Germany is featured in the fall issue of the Ashland University alumni publication, The Accent Magazine. The article travels with the choir from their departure from the Detroit airport to their arrival in Frankfurt, and then to Berlin where they performed their first concert. The tour continues to Wittenberg, birthplace of the Reformation, where AU choir alumna Stephanie Rickel Woods (2011) attended one of their concerts. The choir also went to Eisleben, Martin Luther's birthplace, and Leipzig where Johann Sebastian Bach composed and worked for most of his career. The visit to Germany ended with an unexpected tourist day in Frankfurt.
As summarized by music education major Jacob Poiner (Wellington, Ohio), “Choir is more than just the music…Choir is about the friendships and relationships just as much. Getting to experience such a fairy tale trip in the country where my family heritage lies with my friends was a life changing trip.”
You can view the full article online at issuu.com/augraphics/docs/accent_mag_fall17/5.
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